Presidential psychopath? Here's a test
Many in the blogosphere and a few in the mainstream media have noted that, based on his public statements and actions, there seems to be something slightly peculiar about President Bush's behavior.
Some have even speculated that President Bush may have psychopathic tendencies.
One way to judge for yourself is to use the below standard evaluation form used by psychiatrists and see how your insight into the President's public behavior squares with the "psychopath" hypothesis. (You might have to wait a couple of seconds for the form to load.)
Note that you must check off all items before the evaluation can be made.
Added comment: Poll now closed and final results posted below.
In contemporary research and clinical practice, Robert Hare's Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R), below, is the psycho-diagnostic tool most commonly used to assess Psychopathy.
This version of PCL-R excludes items that cannot be determined from what is in the public record regarding President Bush. Those items are preselected as "Doesn't Apply" and their omission is factored into the final score. (Please note that the interactive poll functions are disabled.)
Behavioral Trait | Doesn't Apply | Applies Somewhat | Fully Applies |
Glibness/superficial charm | |||
Grandiose sense of self-worth | |||
Need for stimulation/proneness to boredom | |||
Pathological lying | |||
Conning/manipulative | |||
Lack of remorse or guilt | |||
Shallow affect | |||
Callous/lack of empathy | |||
Parasitic lifestyle | |||
Poor behavioral controls | |||
Promiscuous sexual behavior (N/A) | |||
Early behavioral problems | |||
Lack of realistic, long-term goals | |||
Impulsivity | |||
Irresponsibility | |||
Failure to accept responsibility for own actions | |||
Many short-term marital relationships (N/A) | |||
Juvenile delinquency (N/A) | |||
Revocation of conditional release (N/A) | |||
Criminal versatility | |||
FINAL RESULTS: Out of 6,595 evaluations submitted, the average score is 32.3850. Discarding both high (40) and low (1) scores produces 5,540 submissions with an average of 31.0404.
4,499 respondents out of 6,595 (68 percent) rated President Bush's public behavior as consistent with that of a psychopath by submitting evaluations with scores over 30.
A score higher than 30 supports a diagnosis of psychopathy (25 in some studies -- 5,566 [84 percent] placed Bush in this category).
US by state breakdown - all scores - (4,460 scores by identifiable state):
Outside US by country breakdown - all countries with >3 submissions - (1,313 scores by identifiable country):
Forensic studies of prison populations have reported average scores of around 22 on PCL-R; "normal" control populations show an average score of around 5.
Scores were adjusted for uncounted items.
Note this reflects only submitted evaluations and doesn't represent a truly random sample.

Why am I not surprised. Perhaps if US politics generally were conducted on a mature and reflective level, instead of as a 'whose got the most money and can make the slickest ads' contest, the world would have been spared this madman.
Thanks, I saw your link on HuffPo, and this was very worthwhile and interesting. Bush sure does fit the bill. Scary to think he has his finger on the button. Actually, as far as the N/A items, he was a troubled youth. He liked to blow up frogs with firecrackers. He had several arrests including DUI'S. He has also possibly had illicit affairs with men and women, and was accused of rape. Anyway, he is insane. Thanks again, and Happy New Year. Griffen
My husband has been known to say at every chance he gets "and this guy has his finger on the nuclear button!" This is one sick, weird, twisted prez we have here and no one seems able to control him or take him out of power. Why can't we impeach him? What's with the making nice and making due until he clears out? Aren't we insane to expect him to be nice, rational or competant?
He has failed at everything he has attempted in business, shirked his military responsibility, and has never had to accept responsibility for his actions...why change behavior now?
I am a WM, a year younger than the "Prez". I say this to qualify that I grew up in the same era.
He never did (grow up, I mean) because he never had to. Never had to develop a character beyond the smirking chimp/frat boy shallow face he puts on like those wrinkle-free suits every day. He doesn't think. He doesn't read; doesn't analyze. I was shocked when he "won" in 2000, shocked again re: 2004. I do believe that the elections were both stolen.
His shallowness and obvious lack of fitness for his task have made us a world laughingstock. He has squandered money and goodwill, and is responsible for more American deaths than Bin Laden, as he chases spectres that have nothing to do with 9/11 and everything to do with his own unresolved personality defects.
I am terribly sad when I see his face and hear that phony voice mouthing yet more platitudes, while remaining totally out of touch with reality while he drags a planet down with him.
Two points: This country is in a state of denial when it comes to the very real issue of psychological fitness for the challenge of holding high office. Remember Eagleton? How he was kicked off the ticket in '72 for admitting he once saw a shrink for depression?
Well, here's a case-in-point of the worst kind: a "President" who has so many psychological problems that he cannot function in any kind of meaningful way to lead his country.
IMO, anyone who runs for any public office higher than dogcatcher should be vetted by an impartial panel of psychological professionals as having his or her mind under control. Intelligence tests wouldn't hurt, either.
Second point: I have an office mate of my own generation who, when she started working with me a couple of years ago, was a staunch Republican who admired the Bushes. We have had many a spirited political discussion over the past two years...she finally began to see some light one day when I asked her to name one good thing that the "Prez" has program or plan that has thing that he has not completely screwed up. I mean in his life, but would be happy with "since he was 'elected' ".
She couldn't. She has since switched allegiances.
That question is a ballbuster.
I'm tired of this boy-chimp-man; bone tired. I do not understand the media's kid-glove reporting of a guy who respects no one and nothing; an automaton with a fifth-grade vocabulary and second-grade attention span who has dragged us through the mud of world ridicule for going on seven years.
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